
I GOT JACKED! so i've been riding my bike (my dad's bike) a lot lately. i go out pretty much every day with my uncle. on friday, he took me down to miami to some park and we hit a bike trail. it was pretty cool. he kept taking the "intermediate" trails, which are pretty damn hard, the climbs are crazy. even though it was hard i had a lot of fun and thought it was cool as shit. so on saturday i decided to go with him to another park with trails. this time we went to quiet waters park in deerfield. he goes there a lot so he knows the trails pretty well and he said that these trails were definitely not as hard as the ones in the park in miami. so we parked at publix and rode to the park. once we got to the park, we hit the trail. it was going well, i only had to get off the bike twice to reset because i couldn't get up a hill or whatever. this is where things went horribly wrong. the second time i got off, i heard some dude behind me. he was either telling me to move or to hurry up or something, i'm not sure. but i was already at the top of the hill, so i decided to just get back on and go down and pretty much just ignore the guy at least for a minute. i saw just ahead there was a good spot where i could pull off to the side and he could get around me. well, i never made it down the hill. that's not true...i made it down the hill, but not on the bike. it seems that the front tire was loose, so it came off the bolts but since i was going down hill and my weight was on the front of the bike, the wheel stayed on the fork, but it got wedged in the fork so that it wouldn't spin. so when the front wheel of a bike stops spinning, that's when the rider (me, in this case) goes for a trip...in the air...without the bike...superman style. unfortunately for me, i'm not superman, so i can't actually keep flying for more than a few seconds. so there i was face first into the ground. tree roots, rocks, dirt, etc all up in my shit. after a few seconds, i finally realized where i was and what happened. then i noticed the blood. so i spit out a ridiculous amount of dirt. by this time my uncle had looked me over, shit his pants, and put my bike back together. now i had to get off the trail and back to the car. so i got on the bike and rode back to the car (only one hill on the way, a little one). then i decided that we should go to the ER cuz i didn't remember a damn thing for about 5 minutes and things were coming back really randomly. and to sum up the rest of the boring part of the story....cat scans were negative and i got 8? stitches on my upper lip -- pretty much right down the middle from my lip up to my nose. so, i'm still going to ride a lot just not on anymore trails. i'll stick to city riding without silly little hills that can kill me.
by the way, the picture is after i got home from the ER