Friday, May 06, 2005


so i was told recently that my blog was too negative. there is a reason for that. here is the reason. usually, when i feel the need to get something off my chest its because i'm upset or angry about something. so when i finally decide to get write in my blog it comes out negative because i'm writing about something that's eating at me. but anyway, i'll tell you about last night. it was awesome! i was the ONLY one that wasn't depressed. some things happened and the two dudes i was hanging with were both depressed. but it was cinco de mayo and with my being mexican and all, i refused to be depressed about was my night! plus i was reminded of one reason why its a very good thing that i'm not with my ex anymore. that didn't actually make me happy, but it made me feel satisfied with that situation (or at least my half of that situation, cuz her half actually makes me sick...but i digress...). so yeah, last night was pretty cool. a female friend also came over and that was cool because she is NEVER depressed so the guys couldn't bring me down at that point cuz she was there to keep my happy mood going. OH, here's a topic that came up which totally disgusts me! the three of them decided to talk about how boneless chicken wings are actually better than regular wings because you don't have to deal with the whole bone situation. what kind of ridiculous crap is that?! there is nothing that is better than regular wings. if you don't have to deal with the whole bone situation then guess what....they're not wings!!! they're chicken tenders and they're gay! and anyone that eats them as a replacement for wings is gay as well. so there. wings are the best, they rule!! alright, that's enough.


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